14 march 2010...
huhuhu...tymes up..sdh tbe mase tuk say papai to 22 n say hye to 23...oppss..sdh bertambah satu tahun umur aku..tp it just a number..hahahaha..(ayat cover diri sendiri)...
thanx kt semua
my beloved person iaitu family, my dear n my frens yg wish me epi besday..thanx coz still ngat my big day..terharu gile..n rase sgt2 dihargai..a lot of thanx to my beloved fren..
lina,kecik,saiful and ramai lg..thanx for all ur wish and all ur words..time aceh coz doakan yg terbaek tuk sayer..im very lucky to have u all as my fren which owez b with me n owez give ur endless support for me..
sayer sgt syg korunk...
my dear..Mohamad Al Kusyairy..time kaseh for ur wish..dis is first tyme my big day wit u..and i hope we take care together dis relationship..thanx dear n l
ove u so muchh...:)Mama and boy and abah..sayer sgt sgt syg mama and adek and abah..thanx mama coz without u,i will not here and b Norhashima Bt Mohd Hashim..terima kaseh krn melahirkan shima..and besarkan shima n be who i am today..23 years of me...by bnde yg sayer dh lakukan..byk bnde yg buat mama tersinggung, marah and x suke..im so sorry mum..i promise to be a good daughter for u..to my bro..huhuhu,,,mn adiah along eyh...ouh..gf ko,ko bg...aku ko x bg...x adil ni..huhuhu..anyway..thanx tau for ur wish..both of us,together epi kn mama and abah k...
love u all so much n many many more laaaa..huhuhu...muuaaahhh..
ouhh...thanx alot to
abie..bib..angah..n nabila coz spend tyme with me on dat date celebrating my big day kt secret recipe..huhuhu...byk tol korunk sumbat aku kek eyh..best sgt..u all make me smile n very epi dat date..
terasa diriku begitu bharga...Lastly..on my 23..i hope everything will be ok..hope kebahagiaan demi kebahagiaan dan kejayaan demi kejayaan berpihak kpd aku..23 years..bukan ms tuk maen2 n njoy lebey lg..starting to think seyesly about my future...hope evry mslah n dugaan yg dtg,aku dpt tempuh ngan senang n tenang..blaja tuk mjadi lebey kuat dlm mgharungi anything..and just be d best n be on what i wanna to be..go for it shima..u noe u can do it.Aminnn...huuu...yeahhh!!so...
ni pic tyme kuar ngan dyorg...pe lg..jom tgk...ayuhh,,,weeee...
me and abie..in black..mysterious gurl...uhukk..
cantekkk..ade hati tue nk gnti patung2 ni..senget..
my cake..nyummy!!
bib..me..angah n abie..nabila jd photographer eyh..huhuhu..
kt escalator pon leh posing..adeii..
uhuk..rase2 leh wat team ala2 PCD x??ahahaa..

nice shades babe..

my cake..black forest...beesshhh...
nyummy...kenyang cake jew..happy birthday to me..happy birthday to me..happy birthday to Shima...happy birthday to me....