"Inilah perjalanan hidupku.Allah Ta'ala yg letakkan aku disini.Semua ini perancangan Allah.Jadi aku mesti teruskan perjalanan hidup ini kerana aku percaya di atas setiap ketetapanNya.Dan aku terima Qada dan Qadar diriku.Sesungguhnya setiap sesuatu itu ada hikmahnya.Terima Kasih Ya Allah kerana mengasihiku..."



Saturday, March 27, 2010

SprinG CLeaNing Day..

date : 19 March 2010 (friday)
time: 9.30 am-5.30 pm
Location : Naza Corporation & Nasim -Account Department


huhuhu...spring cleaning day ni organized by our Ass.Manager (AM), En.Hafiz..so..tujuan spring cleaning ni adelah utk menyusun atur semula semua file2 yg terlibat..invoice2..document2 dan jg mengemas bilik2 account..staff2 account di bahagikan kpd dua kumpulan iaitu yg terlibat di PROFIT ROOM (NASIM) dan AQUARIUM (NAZA CORP)..sy terlibat di profit room bersama2 kak Lyn..Kak Juli..Kak Fasha..Ikhwan and Ekin..yg laen..di bilik aquarium..
Semuanya berjalan lancar dan memuaskan.penat tp epi coz tyme cm ni dpt communicate more between each others..Hope akn dilakukan lg pd ms akn dtg..Great Job all..

mereka yg terlibat:
Mr.peter Paul Bruno (Fin.Manager)..En.hafiz (AM)..En.Mahadi (AM)..kak Anne..kak Puspa..Girija..kak Elly..kak comey yg pakai spec tu..(cm ne leh lupe ni nm akak tu..huuu)..Kak Lyn..kak Juli..Kak Fasha..Nizam..and trainee..me..shira..ikhwan..elly n ekin..

NuR SofiYa ELisYa...

Happy Birthday Isya..

17 March 2010..

maklong miss isya sgt2..
smalam kol kg n dpt ckp ngan isya..die dh bgun tido..
"maklong balik bile? balik sok eyh..nnt beli coki2 eyh..bye.."
uhhh..maklong balik next week k..n nnt mak long beli coki2 tau..
miss u damn much...
miss syafiq..deq nor n haikal too..(isya's siblings..)
cpt2 besar tau n jgn nakal2..
b a gud gurl..
and b bdk yg pandai k..
love u so much..
love syafiq..deq nor..n haikal so much too..

I'm 23!!...

14 march 2010...

huhuhu...tymes up..sdh tbe mase tuk say papai to 22 n say hye to 23...oppss..sdh bertambah satu tahun umur aku..tp it just a number..hahahaha..(ayat cover diri sendiri)...

thanx kt semua my beloved person iaitu family, my dear n my frens yg wish me epi besday..thanx coz still ngat my big day..terharu gile..n rase sgt2 dihargai..a lot of thanx to my beloved fren..abie,intan,sya,bib,shikin,ifa,seng,mujahid,aizat,hafiudin,shira,ikhwan,yuss,murni,
lina,kecik,saiful and ramai lg
..thanx for all ur wish and all ur words..time aceh coz doakan yg terbaek tuk sayer..im very lucky to have u all as my fren which owez b with me n owez give ur endless support for me..sayer sgt syg korunk...

to my dear..Mohamad Al Kusyairy..time kaseh for ur wish..dis is first tyme my big day wit u..and i hope we take care together dis relationship..thanx dear n love u so muchh...:)

Mama and boy and abah..sayer sgt sgt syg mama and adek and abah..thanx mama coz without u,i will not here and b Norhashima Bt Mohd Hashim..terima kaseh krn melahirkan shima..and besarkan shima n be who i am today..23 years of me...by bnde yg sayer dh lakukan..byk bnde yg buat mama tersinggung, marah and x suke..im so sorry mum..i promise to be a good daughter for u..to my bro..huhuhu,,,mn adiah along eyh...ouh..gf ko,ko bg...aku ko x bg...x adil ni..huhuhu..anyway..thanx tau for ur wish..both of us,together epi kn mama and abah k...love u all so much n many many more laaaa..huhuhu...muuaaahhh..

ouhh...thanx alot to abie..bib..angah..n nabila coz spend tyme with me on dat date celebrating my big day kt secret recipe..huhuhu...byk tol korunk sumbat aku kek eyh..best sgt..u all make me smile n very epi dat date..terasa diriku begitu bharga...

Lastly..on my 23..i hope everything will be ok..hope kebahagiaan demi kebahagiaan dan kejayaan demi kejayaan berpihak kpd aku..23 years..bukan ms tuk maen2 n njoy lebey lg..starting to think seyesly about my future...hope evry mslah n dugaan yg dtg,aku dpt tempuh ngan senang n tenang..blaja tuk mjadi lebey kuat dlm mgharungi anything..and just be d best n be on what i wanna to be..go for it shima..u noe u can do it.Aminnn...huuu...yeahhh!!


ni pic tyme kuar ngan dyorg...pe lg..jom tgk...ayuhh,,,weeee...

me and abie..in black..mysterious gurl...uhukk..

cantekkk..ade hati tue nk gnti patung2 ni..senget..

my cake..nyummy!!

bib..me..angah n abie..nabila jd photographer eyh..huhuhu..

kt escalator pon leh posing..adeii..

uhuk..rase2 leh wat team ala2 PCD x??ahahaa..


nice shades babe..

my cake..black forest...beesshhh...

nyummy...kenyang cake jew..

happy birthday to me..
happy birthday to me..
happy birthday to Shima...
happy birthday to me....

Friday, March 12, 2010

BaBy MaRcH..

Happy Birthday to You..
Happy BirtHday To YOu..
HappY BirThdaY to My bEloveD FreNs..
HappY biRThDay tO yoU...

YeAh..MarCh alReady coming..bulan March ni mmg byK kawan2 aku yg Meraikan ulang tahun kelahiran mereka..this is d best moment for them and very precious moment to be celebrate..So..siapakah kwn2 aku yg menyambut ulang tahun kelahiran mereka pd March ini...tadaaaa...

Ah Seng @ Rui Seng :
member FB aku..knl die kt FB and now he b a part of my best fren..

Arfah :
arfah kwn skolah menengah aku dulu..pegi and balik skolah sesame even laen klas..pg2 dh tercongok kt bus stop tggu bus..huhuhu..

Faisal Asnawi:
Faisal aku knl kt FB gak..die ni la sowang2 nye kwn aku yg panggil aku budak mata besar..adeiii..huhuhu..

haaa...fira aku knl tyme PLKN dulu..sgt rapat ngan die n very sweet n cool fren..dh lama x jumpe die since abes PLKN..but she still in my mind...

NurSofiya Elisya..si kecik comey syg aku ni...ni ank buah aku..anak kpd cousin aku yg aku paling rapat..sgt syg die..tiap kali aku kuar umah or nk balik kg..die mesti pesan.."maklong..nnt beli coki coki eyh.."..huhuhu...

Izat aku knl die dh lm gak..almost 2 years..Very nice fren and owez tye khabar aku...

Puteri Mazliana Megat Kamaruddin:
Siape ye die...? puteri adelah ex rumate aku tyme kt kedah dulu..die ni kire pangkat adik aku..sgt suke pd activity lasak..die ni komander KESAT tau..aku, bie,intan and kwn2 yg laen pggil die ni KV..Komander Vouge..ahhha...

So..kepada kwn2 aku yg di atas ni..aku wish Happy Birthday..semoga korunk success and may God Bless u..Perjalanan life korunk still panjang lg..so..decide what is the best for ur life k..owez pray for ur happiness..

Ouh Ya..MArch juga..adelah birthday aku..aiyarrkk..bakal tambah lg satu tahu ..so..aku berkongsi tarikh birthday ngan Faisal..14 March...but diffren year..So..im waiting for that days to say papai to my 22...huuu


DoNt Be PaRasiT..


tau x parasit tue ape..?huuuu..parasit tue adelah spesis tumbuhan yg menumpang hidup dgn tumbuhan lain tp akhirnye memusnahkan tumbuhan yg ditumpangnye..kirenye cm mengambil kesempatan laaa...tp skang ni, aku bukan nk cite psl tumbuhan..tp aku nk cite psl manusia..percaye atau tidak ade sesetengah manusia kt muka bumi ni yg suke jd parasit..means that..suke mengambil kesempatan atas kebaikan org lain..hurmmm..lumrah la tue..wat baek salah..x wat baek pon salah..if buat baek org amek kesempatan lak..if buat jahat..org pndang serong..mcm2 tol..so..the conclusion is...jgn la wat baek sgt ngan org..if nk wat baek, tgk dulu org tue mcm mn..nnt x pasal2 je kene tipu dan diperkotak katik kn...huhuhu...

People..dont be parasit k..its not good..korunk leh jd cm sesetengah kulat..biar pon buruk tp bg advantage kt org laen..same2 dpt advantage and same2 leh survive..


People around me...Dont ever try to be parasit in my life..its not cool keyh..aku x kesah nk wat baek ngan org tp aku kesah bile aku wat baek tp org wat sebaliknye..huhuhu...ingat hidup ni karma..what goes around will comes around,,what goes up must comes down..better korunk jd kulat keyh..x pon korunk leh Pichia Pastoris..ape tue??..nk tau pichia pastoris tue ape..korunk leh g usha blog kwn aku yg sowang ni...blog Mazan..kt situ korunk akn tau ape die Pichia Pastoris...huuuu..

miSSiOn ComPLete..

Finally Mission complete...
my final proposal for my report had been submitted last friday...
just waiting for the comment from my advisor...
yeahh,,not really satisfied wit my final proposal coz it looks like cacar merba..huhuhu..
but..should wait for the comment first...

so..whats next??

continue wit final chapter and complete the final report...
conclusion..reccommendation and slide...