"Inilah perjalanan hidupku.Allah Ta'ala yg letakkan aku disini.Semua ini perancangan Allah.Jadi aku mesti teruskan perjalanan hidup ini kerana aku percaya di atas setiap ketetapanNya.Dan aku terima Qada dan Qadar diriku.Sesungguhnya setiap sesuatu itu ada hikmahnya.Terima Kasih Ya Allah kerana mengasihiku..."



Sunday, January 17, 2010

DoNt sToP LooKinG fOR LoVE..

Been so long since I found someone
You came as some surprise
But I knew you were meant for me
When I looked into your eyes
So beautiful and strong
Girl where did you come from
As life passed me by
You fell from the sky
And I could hear you say
Don't Stop Looking For Love
It can be found In the strangest places
Just when you've given up
Along comes a miracle
That turns your life around
So don't stop, looking for love
Walking around with my head hanging down,
felt so all alone And your love seemed miles away
I was a heart without a home
A woman in the rain
You took the clouds away
Now bright as the sun Our love has begun
And I could hear you say...
Don't Stop Looking For Love
It can be found In the strangest places
Just when you've given up
Along comes a miracle That turns your life around
So don't stop, looking for love
Suddenly my dream had come and rescued me
I can't believe I finally reached the day
Now I can say...
Don't Stop Looking For Love
It can be found In the strangest places
Just when you've given up Along comes a miracle
That turns your life around
So don't stop, looking for love...

I Go..

So long,
fare thee well
The dancer and the dancing days have taken leave and fell
So turn down this bed of stone
Quench me with the deadly nightshade from the rose that you belong
The long December rain is falling now
Running down on streets to nowhere
Music is my life youre my sweetest nightingale
But I cant hear it here no more
And I go
I go
Hush now, dont shake or break
Words have fallen silent like soldiers to the grave
No matter what they do or say
Lay me on the sleepy meadow by the tracks upon your face

Cite-cite kT mElaka..huhuhu..

Ari tue x sempat nk update post coz balik je dr melake dh pukul 10.00..ermm..too tired..but really great day..

b4 gerak g melake…sempat lg jumpe kwn lm aku yg sowang ni kt pudu..mmg dh lm kwn ngan die..kebetulan ofis die dekat je ngan area situ so..jumpe la jap..we have really nice conversation.die still same..happening and suke wat org ketawa...huhu..even dpt jumpe jap jew but really great tyme..

Pas tue terus nek bus kol 9 ke melaka..dlm bus..byk cite aku borak ngan bib..dh lm x borak 2 ngan die..so..dr cite pasal keje sampai la psl personal..everything..borak nye borak..x sedar dh nk sampai melake..sempat lg melelapkan mate..aku ngan bib if nek bus x sah if x tido..lg pon aku mmg nantok sesangat..huhuhu…kol 11.30 dh sampai melake..waahh..really mish u melake…mmuaahh..:)..terus gerak g campus and jumpe advisor.

A lot of thing yg di bincangkan ngan advisor..drpd aku x fhm sampai la aku fhm..dr tajuk sampaila mode ape yg perlu di buat..agak complicated gak nk wat report ni..hurmm..risau gak..but my advisor kate die akn tolong if ade ape2 yg x fhm o xtau nk buat…discussion ngan advisor..lebey kuarng sejam setengah…

Pas je jumpe advisor..tyme tuk jumpe kwn2 yg dtg ari ni..x ramai yg dtg..just, aku..bib..ifa..liza..zehan..zarin n fadhilah..yg laen tu semua budak course n class laen..bile dh jumpe mmg haru laa mara tue di buat nye..mcm2 cite kuar..dr aku x tau sampai aku tau..byk tol gossip..huhuhu…mmg kecoh gak..but..aku perasan sumthing wit 1 of my fren..look different..hurmm..mebi perasaan aku je kot..but the most important thing today..aku dpt tau sumthing..sumthing yg aku sangsikan selama ni turn to real..ahaha..damn..aku rase byk lg yg aku xtau but belom mase tuk aku tau agaknye..aku dh agak dh..even rase cm hape jet p aku xnk la spoil kn mud aku ari ni..aku dtg nk jumpe kwn2 n epi jew..ouh..semalam pon aku sempat jumpe sowang kwn aku yg still ade kt kbm..teman die lunch n chit chat pasal study die..silat..life die..my prac n so on..actually..agak lm aku x borak ngan die since 1 week b4 raye coz ade misunderstanding skit..besela kn..dlm frenship mmg cm tue..kdg2 ade tergigit lidah..(ini adelah peribahasa ye..)..huuu…

Pas tue tggl aku n bib jew..so..cdg nk g tesco je laa..ade brg yg nk beli kt sane..even brg tue ade kt tmpat laen tp aku n bib mmg suke beli kt tesco sini..huhhu..apekah brg itu..oopsss…keep it secret..sshh..:p..mmg borong laah..ahaha..

Tiket bus balik kol 7.00..dlm bus sambung borak lg..tp kali ni mmg agresif gile punye borak..aku rae 1 bus tue dgr kot kite org gelak..mn x nye..bib mmg x berubah..ade je bnde yg die cite..if nk tau die ni mmg suke wat bnde yg memalukan die sendiri..xpon tnpa die sedar..adehh…aku rase..if mlm..mmg dh kene hamun o halau turun dr bus dh coz mengganggu dyorg..huhuhu…

Waahh..really tired but aku njoy..mn saje aku lalu kt tmpt melake tue..mst ade je bnde yg teringat balik..sampai wat aku senyum sowang2..huhu..n the best thing bile dpt jumpe kwn2..yeaahh..kwn tue penting dlm idup kite..dyorg sebahagian dr idup kite..tanpa dyorg..aku rase..ade kekurangan..sunyi..and kurang epi..coz for me..sumtymes kite lebey selesa berade o share everything ngan kwn2..coz dyorg lebey tau n fhm kite…

Thursday, January 14, 2010

uhuhu..draft dh siap..

2.45 am..14 jan 10..

finally siap sdh draft tuk report aku..tp tue draft tuk tunjuk kt advisor nnt..yg tuk disubmit belom siap sepenuhnye..if tajuk report ni di terima so aku leh teruskan wat draft and submit..hurmm..beberapa jam lg, aku akan gerak ke melake..coz kene jumpe advisor discuss pasal report practical..so..wish me luck keyh..balik dr melake will update nu post bout my journey to melaka..huhuhu..:)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

tHeiR speCiAl dAy..

yeah!!! january is coming..so..di january ni ade insan2 yg sentiasa di sisi aku menyambut hari paling istimewa dalam hidup mereka..jadi..aku x nk lepas kan peluang ni to wish sumthing for them..
special dedicated for:

MohD hAshiM bin TaLiB..*my beloved dad*..
SuriAti bt MohD haShim..*my LoveLy sis*..
AhmAd FirdAus bin yusoFF..*my sWeEt fReN*..

i wish u all HAPPY BIRTHDAY....
may god bless u all..happy always..enjoy ur day..owez b gud yaa and i noe u all can be very good person in this world..to my beloved dad..i really luv u..u r great dad..thanx for everything dad...
love u all..

~shima shim~

tooo tired meh..

waaaaa...last week mmg minggu yg paling memenatkan..keje mmg byk gile kt ofis..x sempat siap satu keje, datang 2 3 keje lagi..invoice kt atas meja aku tu tggi sampai x nmpak pc dh..pas satu invoice ke satu invoice..dr pg sampai petang update n key in data..penat mata aku ni hadap pc..makin rabun la aku..huhuhu...and aku rase tulang belakang aku ni dh semakin sengal-sengal ubi dh..adoii...mmg gile tensi aku last week...
messy..tooo tired...serabot...
but...wateva pon..kene cool..kene senyum k..x kesah la keje byk pon..kene gak wat..yg penting markah aku mst kene cantek..so..BERTAHAN...
go go gurl....

Saturday, January 2, 2010

201o...im waiting FoR yoU

selamat tahun baru..dan selamat datang 2010...

selamat tinggal 2009..but aku x kn ucapkan selamat tinggal kt semua yg telah terjadi tyme 2009..even benda tu sedih o sumthing yg aku x leh trime..aku ttp akan keep it nicely..sbb ari ni bnde tue pahit bg kite tp suatu hari nnt bile kite ingat balik..ianya akan jd sumthing yg sweet..buat kite berfikir nape bnde tu terjadi..dr situu kite ley blaja sesuatu..

thun ni x celebrate pown..duk umah jew..ape yg aku pikir..ntahlaa..kosong..xde mud..cm nk nanes pon ade..bile pk2 blik my 2o09..where my fren dat nite???hurmmm..sowang je yg ade..seb bek die msg n kol...xdela aku rase x epi sgt..thanx tau...epi sgt..=)mebi kwn2 yg len spend tyme wit family..lover o their frenz...mst best kn...

tahun 2010...what my life should be??..ermm..susah nk djangka kn..aku harap thun ni lebey baek n bermakne dr sebelomnye..aku ade rancang bbrape perkare..kire nye azam thun baru la ni..n aku hope aku dpt make it real..n berjaya..aminn..2010..jus wish yg terbaek for my life..hope kebahagiaan demi kebahagiaan n kejayaan demi kejayaan berpihak kpd aku..kite hanya mampu merancang..berusaha dan berdoa..selebeynye..kite tawakal n remember..Allah x pernah hampakan hambanye yg berusaha...2010 gak usia aku menginjak setahun ke hadapan..makin dewasa dan aku harap pemikiran dan perangai aku gak semakin matang..seusia dgn umur aku..walaupon perempuan ni takot pda pertambahan umur tp itu kenyataan yg harus mereka terima..so wit me..OMG..hahhaa..wateva pon..umur just number rite..huhuhu...so..nothing much too worry...

gud bye 20o9..u r so valuable..and 201o..welcome home..huhuhu...wish it will b the best and epiness to my life...


~secebis harapan selaut keazaman..~