"Inilah perjalanan hidupku.Allah Ta'ala yg letakkan aku disini.Semua ini perancangan Allah.Jadi aku mesti teruskan perjalanan hidup ini kerana aku percaya di atas setiap ketetapanNya.Dan aku terima Qada dan Qadar diriku.Sesungguhnya setiap sesuatu itu ada hikmahnya.Terima Kasih Ya Allah kerana mengasihiku..."



Sunday, December 28, 2008


i hate frens who is betray me...
fren who is back stabbing me...
fren who is in front me..like an angel
behind me..act as devil..
fren who pretend to understand me...

i hate fren who happy on my sadness...
laugh when know im in trouble n dissappointed..
fren who can not keep my secret..
fren who do sumthing without my permission..
listen to my problems but talking behind me...
i hate fren who takes sumthing dat i love so much..

dont do it to me..
dont want to hate u...
dont want to unforgive u..

if u do it..
be frankly wit me..
dont let me know it by my ownself..
it will hurt me...
n i will keep i nicely in myself..

i love all my frens..
trust them as mush as i can..
treat them like i treat myself..
be wit them when they need..
try to understand them..
accept them as what they are...

once they betray me..
back stabbing me...
its hard for me to forgive them..
they will feel what i feel,,
what goes around will comes around..

-love n miss allmy frens-


yeStERday waS hiStOrY..
TomOrRow iS myStEry..
And TodAy is A Gift..

Thursday, December 25, 2008

my stuffs..

Owez Wit Me....Ma mobile phone..

Ni phone aku..dua2 nye Nokia brand..yg kale pink ni Nokia 3500 classic..aku gne pink phone ni tuk maxis num aku..017..dh nk masuk setahun dh aku pkai phone ni..phone ni beli pakai duit aku sendiri..time tu harga die around Rm 7++..kale phone ni shikin yg pilih kn uk aku..nice phone ni..maxis num aku, rmai yg tau..all my fren akn cntct aku kt maxis num ni..n my active 10 bru je ade 2 org..lg 8 still kosong..huhuhu...xnk isi lg yg 8 ni coz aku nix de yg kwn yg slalu aku call o msg...smue nye pd kadar yg sma..tuk 2 num ni..aku xnk pdm..biar je la..ade 8 lg kosong...pink phone ni aku owez bw coz ade camera..sng nk capture pic aku n sesape jew..lalalala..n ade radio n mp3..so if boring2 leh la dgr music...my ringtone tuk phone ni skang lgu Never Again by Kelly Clarkson n msg tone lak lgu Big Girl Dont Cry..syg my maxis num..

Yg kale biru ni lak phone tuk celcome num..019..upax nye..free je..time aku amek upax ni time tu aku study kt kedah..ermmm..phone ni aku bru je beli 3 4 bulan yg lepas.harge die RM 100 je..beli kt Melaka..slalu men game ular kt phone ni..so..tuk celcome num, mmg ramai yg xtau..yg rapat je tau..n tuk 8pax lak..bru sowing je aku isi..lg 7 kosong..huhuhu..num ni 1st num tuk 8pax aku..pown xnk pdm coz ade lg 7 x isi..biar je la..lg pown kwn aku x ramai pkai celcome..slalu gne celcome tuk call jew..murah skit dr maxis..seb bek aku x terminate jew num celcome ni...(xjd..xmau jd org bodoh yg ske ikut ati)....aku syg celcome num ni...
My phone must b owez wit me even xde org nk text o call, aku x ksh..yg ptg kne ade ngan aku..hahaaha..

Silver Dell Laptop

Mama beli kn laptop ni time tu aku part 2 diploma.mama gak yg pilih kale silver ni..harga die RM2600..Abg Hasrol yg tolong dealkn..so..dpt murah skit..laptop ni byk dh tlg aku.assgmnt dpt siap ngan cepat n xyah nk owez g cc wat keje..dlm laptop ni aku keep mcm2..my assgmnt..(assgmnt org len pown ade..yg mn yg aku tlg wat kn)..pics..lagu..video..games n byk lg..aku jrg men game kt laptop aku ni..xtau nape..bile ade mood je aku men..tp leh kire ngan jari la bpe kali aku men...bru 2 x anta repair...case virus lorr..n ari tu sekali jatuh kerusi..aiyarkk...tu yg kne anta repair bpe minggu pas tu...ngat nk upgrade RAM laptop aku xlm lg...Password just ade 4 huruf jew..ngan ade nye laptop ni dok on9 je la keje aku..huhuhu...

Best lorr bce majalah ni..

Klo kuar g kedai buku o mamak..dua majalah ni mst aku tgk dlu..UJANG n Mastika..Ujang kuar sebulan 2 x n mastika lak sebulan sekali..aku suke bce UJANG coz cite die mmg lawak..sumtimes aku akn gelak sowang2..bdk2 ni dh bese dh klo aku gelak tibe2 time bce UJANG..mebi sesetgh org akn ckp bce UJANG tu buang mase coz cite die lwak bodoh je..tp bg aku..bile bce UJANG ni..im epi..it makes me laugh n smile..lupe jap mslh yg ade..lbey bek bce UJANG dr buang mase layan wat bnde yg bukan2 o merepek n layan org yg x berkenaan..huhuhu...Kartun die pown mmg best n cute..

Mastika lak..ermm..mastika ni cite pasal bnde yg berlaku sekeliling kite..ade bnde yg kite x tau sedang berlaku atau selalu berlaku akan dpt kite tau bile bc mastika..cm cite ajaran sesat..kes2 bunuh diri..mslh remaja n byk lg..aku suke bce bhgian senyum pisang...lawak gak cite die..

My Purse n Handbag..

Purse kale merah tue bru je beli ari tu..besar skit..so senang nk ltk brg..asal kale merah?? Coz aku suke kale merah..n look nice..design die pown cantik..so..aku beli je even x de dlm planning..huhu..yg lg satu tu purse lm aku..time tu aku beli kt kedah..will keep dat purse coz elok lg lorr...dlm purse aku ade ape?? Laaa..mstla ade duit tp xbyk pown..dlm purse tu gak aku ltk topup y glum pakai lg..ic aku..members card nutrimetics,gempark cafe..ING card..card sspn.. atm card..libry topup..warranty.

Handbag yg kale pink tu bru je beli raye ari tue..skang ni bru je ade 4 handbag..kale hitam,merah putih (abah bg)..kale puitih n dis pink kale..yg lg 3 tggl kt Melaka..tp kecik la handbag tue..ssh letak brg..x muat...huhu...seb bek ade bag kale pink tu..mcm2 leh letak..nk cri handbag bru..nk beli kale yg leh matching ngan smue kale lak...bnde wajib dlm handbag aku..purse..phone..earphone..bedak..lipgloss..perfume n sikat rambut..

they owez wit me

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Kisah aku n abie..

Smalam aku ym ngan abie..cerite psl life kite org skng nie.aku ckp ngan die yg life aku skang ni x cm dlu..means..time aku study kt kedah..dlu byk sweet memory n life aku kt sn mmg epi..njoyable..x boring n full ngan xtvt like debate n clubs..but rite now..very bored..sampai xtau nk wat pe dh..smalam gak kite org cite psl probs msg2..i tot aku jew ade probs but abie pown ade probs gak..die ade probs ngan housemate die skng ni.sian kt die..truk tol housemate die tu..suke2 jew suh bie anta dyorg sna sni..dh la tue time bie bz pown dyorg suh gak..kloo x wat kate blakang lak..klo aku jd bie..dh lm dh aku kuar dr umah tue..ignore bout d contract..klo org dh lyn kite teruk cm tue..wat pe nk tggu lg..smpai bile nk sabar..kite wat bek..dyorg bls x bek lak..its not fair la...xpela bie..take it as a challenge k..b strong..lg pown dyorg x ptg tuk ko pk..ko ade lg org yg lbey ptg dr dyorg..

mmg kite org realized skang ni x cm dlu lg...msg2 kn survive sndri..kne pandai berdikari..klo dlu kwn rmai leh dgr probs msg2 tp skang x lg..coz dyorg pown bz n ade yg dh duk jauh, so ssh skit nk cntct..pas die cite probs die, aku lak cite pe yg aku rase skang ni..yaaa..evrythings bout me..then bie kte.."hidup ni x adil"..aku pown rase cm tue tp kite xleh nk ckp cm tue kn..smuenye ade hikmah...

Hidup ni bukan pilihan..ianya harus dilalui..tuhan dtg kn ujian kt kite coz die syg kite n die x pnh bg ujian yg kite x leh nk hadapinye..once die bg ujian kt kite..means kite leh hadapinye..cme..it depends on sejauh mn kekuatan kite uk hadapinye..n hya masa yg tentukan..its all bout time..setiap org ade takdir msg2..takdir kite xsm n jln idup kite pown x sama..mungkin ite epi skang but in future kite x tau...mungkin kite rase probs kite skng ni membebankn kite but in future lg byk bnde yg perlu kite hadapi..kite hye merancang tp tuhan yg tentukan..jus go wit d flow..

Better in Time

It's been the longest winter without you
I didn't know where to turn to
See somehow I can't forget you
After all that we've been through
Going coming thought I heard a knock
Who's there no one
Thinking that I deserve it
Now I realize that I really didn't know
If you didn't notice you mean everything
Quickly I'm learning to love again
All I know is I'mma be ok
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
Even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time
I couldn't turn on the TV
Without something there to remind me
Was it all that easy
To just put aside your feelings
If I'm dreaming don't wanna laugh
Hurt my feelings but that's the path
I'll believe in
And I know time will heal it
If you didn't notice boy you mean everything
Quickly I'm learning to love again
All I know is I'mma be ok
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
Even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time
Since there's no more you and me
It's time I let you go So I can be free
And live my life how it should be
No matter how hard it is I
'll be fine without you
Yes I will
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
Even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to (yes I do)
It'll all get better in time


dis week jew aku dh spend byk gle duit aku tuk shopping..xde la byk sgt aku beli.just brg2 yg dh patut aku beli n ganti bru...bpe byk aku dh abes kn tu aku x mau ckp..tp below 5rat laa..ber rat2 gak la abes..sekali sekala la..aku ni jrg perabes duit.sekali aku perabes..byk la...itu pown mmg dh bajet dr awl lg.so..ni xkira mbazir la ek..nk tau aku wat pe ngan duit tu...haa...check it out..lalalaala..
1.beli purse bru..red in colour..besar..senang nk ltk mcm2 dlm tu..BAGGIO
2.treatment rambut..touch up skali..
4.lense..3 color..warm hazel+misty grey+hippiest chestnut..Fresh Kon
itu jew..skit je kn..byk lg nk beli sebenarnye..tp hold dlu laa..ade byk bnde lg nk wat ngan duit tu..nk2 nk nek sem ni...pas setle semue bru leh bajet yg len..ngah tggu bonus mama ni..mama kte die dpt bonus end of dis mnth..huuu..kecek skit laa kt mama...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Abie bg lagu ni suh aku dengar...huu..

Apa maknanya impian..
Datang dan pergi…
Membawa hati menyusuri kembali..jalan2 sepi….
Kau kah di situ yang menantiku
Atau jelmaan hidup kenangan
yang bernama pengalaman
Siapakah di antara kita dengan rela menjadi pendusta…
Siapakah dulu membina harapan..
Dan siapa yang memusnahkan impian
Tanpa sebab dan alasan kau mainkan perasaan
Bagai taufan tiba2 datang dan menghilang
Kau bayang2..masa nan silam..
Ada ketika terbawa-bawa
oleh resah mimpi yang tak sudah.

>nice song..title 4 dis song is Mimpi yg x sudah by Ibnor Reza..full of meaning aite..well, thnx abie 4 giving me dis song at d rite time..

I'm Proud of her!!

Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Zeti Akhtar Aziz is currently the Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) and has been holding the portfolio since 2000. She is the only woman in Asia to be holding the key position at the moment, and is also one of the very few in the world.
Dr Zeti has served the Bank for more than 20 years, starting in 1985 and has moved around in many various positions and divisions including financial policies, reserve management as well as secretary to the board.
Dr Zeti is the daughter and the only child of the country’s famous academician, Professor Diraja Tun Ungku Aziz. Prof Ungku Aziz is also a former Vice Chancellor of Universiti Malaya (UM) and the brain behind the formation of Tabung Haji corporation. The impressive blood legacy does not stop there; her grandfather, the late Datuk Jaafar Mohamed was the first Chief Minister of Johor, while UMNO founder the late Datuk Onn Jaafar was her granduncle.
2 years before her official appointment as the Governor, she accepted the role as Acting Governor in 1998 and faced one of the most challenging moment of her career, during which the country, together with the whole of Asian region, were facing a notorious economic crisis.
Backed by her superb background in Maths and Finance, as well as a string of daring corporate decisions has allowed her to flourish and soon made herself as one of the most respectable names in the corporate landscape.
Zeti was one of the key figures that were involved in the decision to introduce capital controls and the currency floating - a controversial implementation that raised the eye browses of financial critics and the likes. However, many years later, Zeti achieved a status of a hero or some sort after the move paid off and returned the country into competitiveness faster than any other countries in the region. Apart from being a high flier in the company, Dr Zeti has also written numerous dissertations and publications on monetary, financial economics, Islamic finance, capital flows, macroeconomic, financial reform, restructuring and so on.
Dr Zeti was schooled at Sekolah Menengah Assunta in PJ and received his tertiary education from Universiti Malaya (UM) in Degree of Economics. Later, she obtained here PhD from the
University of Pennsylvania, United States.
In 2003, Euromoney named Dr Zeti as
Central Bank Governor of the Year for her role in the reform of the exchange rate, the capital markets, and the banking industry. 3 years before that, she was made the list of ‘the most powerful women in the finance industry’ as was released by the international magazine, Global Finance.

Bursa Malysia n Bank Negara Malaysia..Well i dream to work in one of this place.It will be a most memorable time when i work there.No matter how busy working there i dont care coz it is my dream..So..for these two places..wait for me..i will come n work there.Working in my position which i dream so much.hahaha...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

What i Miss soo Much rite Now??

i miss my debate tyme when i was in uitm Kedah..a lot of memory there wit qeela,rashid,n ma junior..+miss my Business Development final presentation..we talk bout osyter mushroom n my group are me,shikin,yana n qeela..very great presentation..+i miss my study time n place during final exam where i spent much tyme study in library looking 4 students there..huhuhu..+miss my exclassmate,my fren n my exrumate when i was in kedah..+i miss ELC so much..hahaha..+miss my love pillow..+miss my penrive..waa..forgot to bring back..+miss kelantan trip tyme..+miss my club..Bankers Inc..+miss my celcome tyme..+miss my super savers tyme..+i miss my phone..+i miss my tyme in phone..+miss ikan pari bakar at dining..ate together wit kuah asam..+n i miss everything that give affect to me..sweet tyme..

Sunday, November 30, 2008


I'm epi today..=)
so epi...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

If you love something, set it free
If it doesnt return, it was never meant to be
If it does, love it forever..
I'm going to smile like nothing's wrong
Talk like everything is perfect
Act like its all a dream
Pretend like its not hurting me..


bosan nye....
alone n thinking of sumthing...=)
ym je laa n update blog...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


waiting 4 my name..

a moment which im a ANC students..
very sweet..
wit fakrul...
im proud 2 b myself..

my lovely fren...shikin..
long time no c maa...=)
wit fakrul n shikin..where d others??
eerrmm..cant find them..

Saturday, November 1, 2008

After First Paper..

Ari ni dh setle 1 paper..paper Research Method yg pd aku..killer paper..what can i say bout dat paper.ermmm...bleh thn la soalan die..aku boleh jwab tp xsure btul o x..huhuhu..aku dh try d best so aku tawakal jew 4 dis paper. Paper ni mula2 mmg ssh nk carry..test 1 pown cm hampeh je..at 1 time mmg dh give up gle..tp kte org kite x leh cpt putus asa kn..so, alhamdulillah..everything is ok..n hope ok la result aku..aku dh wat pe yg aku mampu...=)
Ngat kn mlm ni nk rest jap..tgh mlm bru cont study blik..ngatkn gak nk msg ngan org yg dh lm x msg..tp...org yg nk d msg tu sibuk lak..errmm..xpelaa..nk wat cm ne.but im still waiting 4 d msg..even x tau ade ke xde..tp agak frust lorr..im free tonite but...huhuhu..speechless..=(..just thinkin positive..mebi sibuk kot..xpown mlm skit bru leh text...

Pic time g jalan kt Tesco..17.10.08

huu..dh blik umah dh..pnat nyew jln..

after eating sizzling mee..nyummy..dh chubby dh skit mkn sizzling..huuu
Dis pic i had gave to sum1..look nice..hahaha

uikkss...xyah cucuk ar pipi tu..berlubang nnt...huhuhu.lari lak org tu..

Journey to My First Paper

4.36 am…Sabtu..

Finally…finish gak aku cover RM..siap cver past year ngan spot question ngan bdk2 ni..lega skit lorr…tp pas ni ngat nk cver blik skit2..pas tu just wait 4 d exam tomorrow evening…hopefully i can do it..

ptg td g tgk carrymark..alamak malu nk story..ni lah carrymark aku tuk yg dh kuar je laa…
>RM 40.5/50
>FMI 41.4/50
>QMT 33.63/40

errmm..tu jela yg br tau..hopefully yg len tu can get better..nk kte ok..ok la kot coz lps level selamat tp lg bgus if dpt byk lg carrymark nye…tp ramai gile yg dpt carrymark yg sgt tinggi dlm clas tu…pandai la dyorg…

ari ni gak dh masuk 3 ari aku diet gle mati..waa..lapar sgt…nk mkn..tp kne tahan…DONT!! menu harian..air..biskut..kacang…huhh…

Mlm ni x cm mlm smalam..mlm ni mmg focus on study..calm..n sgt kuat melawan perasaan..aku ckp ngan bibah..”Bibah aku kuat lorr mlm ni.”..pas tu bibah ckp die suke tgk aku kuat melawan perasaan…semalam mmg teruk sgt..down gle..plus lak pressure from exclassmate aku yg dlu…huhuhu…i need sum1 to talk to last nite..n aku just dpt ckp ngan shikin je.org ke2 yg akan aku cr if aku ade probs o nk share sumthing…anyway, thanx sgt2 kt shikin..aku hold word die..”shima..aku dh knl ko lm.aku tau ko leh wat n ko sendiri kenal diri ko sape..”..yup..aku knl aku cm ne..n btul ckp die..

lately ni..asyik nk marah jew..nk mengamuk jew keje aku ni..smpai kn org yg xslh pown kne ngan aku..sowi byk2..klo org tu mrh o terasa ngan aku..klo org tu rase aku no manners lately ni..aku hrp org tu fhm.klo org tu still mrh lg, aku xleh nk kate pe coz kite x leh nk paksa ati org..ape2 pown,sowi byk2..x sengaja. aku admit kesalahan aku..org len pown klo dh dlm keadaan x stabil mst buat ape2 ikut perasaan..cm tu gak ngan aku..lg satu lately ni gak aku slalu pk yg bukan2 lorr..hopefully pe yg aku pk, x jd kenyataan…x cm b4 ni..dlu pe yg aku rase,bnde tu mst tjd..harap kali ni aku salah…im hope 4 dat..

mlm ni gak aku realized sumthing and learn sumthing…pe yg aku realized n ape yg aku learn mlm ni..biar aku jew yg tau..4 me..keep is much better than tell to others…im just hope dat evrything will be as b4..n i missin all dat time…so much…

oklaa..dh kul bape dh ni..nk study skit lg..nk solat subuh..pas tu baru tdo…sok kul 2.15 1st paper aku..hope bleh jwb..aku dh wat yg terbaek n jus tawakal…=)
wish me luck..

thanx kt org yg owez support n say gud luck kt kite..=)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

23 July 2008...

after solat maghrib ngat kn nk g cc jap..nk send isi asgmnt kt Mr.Brightside jap..but b4 dat nk g kedai mkn lorr.nk beli roti sardin.sgt lapar lately nie..huhuhu.ngatkn nk tapau jew mkn kt blilik tp bib ajak mkn kt sn..so just mkn je arr kt sn..sampai sn ngat kn nk mkn roti sardin jew tp xjd lak.so order nasi goreng paprik ngan air limau ais.tp roti sardin tapau coz nk mkn tuk sahur.ngat kn sok nk pose la..smbil2 tggu order siap..mkn otak2 dlu..errmm..bib yg xsuke otak2..mlm ni terus mkn otak2..aku suh die try mkn n die pown try..pas tu die kate sedap..tu arr bib..len kali try dlu bru tau sedap o x..huhuhu..

dh abes mkn terus g cc..send email kt Mr.Brightside..sambil2 tu cek email..on fs..on ym..n on pagii jap..huhuhu..sambil nyelam minum air lorr..time ngah cek email..tibe2 ade email dari yayasan bursa malaysia.aku cuak dh..sekali tgk dyorg pggl aku wat writing test sabtu ni 4 application scholarship bursa malaysia..nm aku dh di shortlisted kn..epii gle aku..bukan sng nk d shortlisted kn..seb bek aku buka email mlm ni..if x aku xtau pown nk kne g sabtu ni...lg pown mmg plan nk blik n9 wekend ni..

tibe2 rase cm malas jew nk g.berbelah bahagi lak.terus text Mr.Brightside n inform die pasal ni..die suh g..errmm..bile pk balik..i must go there..lagi pown dulu aku gak yg beriya nk apply scholarship ni.bnyk kot keje yg aku dh wat time nk apply dulu..dh dpt peluang cm ni bek terus grab n try..xdpt len kira..yg ptg kite try..after dat kite tawakal jew...am i rite??

so..terus call mama tell her bout dis..die kate ok..nnt die suh abah amek kt kg sabtu nnt..errmm..okla cm tu..sabtu ni g writing test n pas tu balik n9 terus.xmau arr g umah mama..mama keje la..xde org kt umah..lagi pown nk spend time kt n9..huhuhu..

b4 g writing tesi,i must b fully prepare..aku xnk sia sia kn peluang yg dh ade depan mata..i will do the best 4 d writing test n i hope 4 the schoplarship..if ade rezeki dpt la..if xde xpe..maybe rezeki aku kt tempat len kn..=)

wish luck 4 me k..